About Pakistan

Pakistan covering 796,095 km2 have a diversified Scenery , people ,culture, heritage From the Arabian sea shore in the south and fertile ,flat, alluvial plain with five major rivers dominating the upper region eventually joining the River Indus flowing south to the Arabian Sea. and purview the sandy desert in the center, and kissing the sky mountains ranges in north , Pakistan is truly country of astonishing beauty.

Home of highest mountains K-2 (8611), Gasherbrum-I (8,068 m), Broad Peak (8,047 m) and Gasherbrum-II (8,035 m). and the killer mountain , Nanga Parbat (8,126 meters) 80 peaks over 7,000 meters and numerous over 6,000 m .Abode of some of the longest glaciers outside Polar region; Siachen (72 kilometers), Hispar (61 kilometers), Biafo (60 kilometers), Baltoro (60 kilometers) and Batura (64 kilometers) and all this is present in radius of 180 km.

The region traces its history back to at least 2,500 BC, when a highly developed civilization flourished in the Indus Valley. Excavations at Harappa, Mohenjodaro and Kot Diji have brought to light evidence of an advanced civilization flourishing here even in most ancient times.

Pakistan is a multi-cultural, multi-ethnic and mainly a Muslim society. Modern Pakistanis are a intermingling of their Harappan, Indo-Aryan, Indo-Iranian, Saka, Parthian, Kushan, White Hun, Afghan, Arab, Turkic, and Mughal heritage. Waves of aggressors and emigrants settled down in Pakistan throughout the centuries, effect the locals and being absorbed among them